Music Production: Enjoying The Process
By James Buford | Written & Edited for Furgersen7
I like to think that I am a living example of how it is possible to make music without formal musical training. Even if you do not have a deep understanding of music theory. My favorite way to create music is to combine elements, styles, or genres to create something completely original and unique. I play, program, mix, and sample through various techniques to create an audio experience. It never gets old. I was told it would be more difficult to produce polished, complex, and technically proficient music without formal training. Polished, complex, and technically proficient music was never the goal. The moment an apple is picked from the tree, it has so much flavor. Enjoy the process and subscribe.
Music production by James Buford, aka Furgersen7
Cover Art by James Buford | BufordDesign™
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